Classic & Culture Tours

Classic & Culture Tours

Nowhere on the globe can offer a more gratifying array of unique cultural heritage travel experiences than South East Asia. With more than 1,000 languages & accent spoken, over one hundred ethnic groups, a huge number of UNESCO Heritage sites, and thousands of years of history, South East Asia is a colorful carpet woven with diverse traditions, delicious food, colorful arts, striking costumes, mixed religions and cultural beliefs, and spectacular festivals. Each part in Asia can open a unique window into its timeless past, displayed through its dazzling temples, charming landmarks, enormous architectures, long time traditions and elite cultures. For those who eager to learn more about South East Asia’s deep-rooted culture and heritage, the only way is a trip to this charming land can give you a real appreciation of its splendor; and only through the eyes of the traveler can one truly appreciate the mankind diversities. We invite you on a journey that may forever change the way you view the world and enlighten your anima to heights that you never thought possible. Check out our expansive array of exquisite and personalized Asia travel packages and elevate your senses like never before.

Best Classic & Culture Tours

Explore highlights and lesser-known gems

Cannes and Antibes Night Tour

Culture Tours Experience

Immersive cultural

Immersive cultural

Learn about the local customs, traditions, and history of the destination. You can gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for the local culture by interacting with locals, visiting historical landmarks, and trying local foods.
Heal your soul

Heal your soul

Whether you’re staying at an oceanfront resort or a yoga retreat atop a mountain, our Wellness excursions provide peace of mind and heal the soul. They’re also an opportunity to nurture your body, heal holistically, and take a much-needed respite from life’s rollercoaster.
Heal your soul

Heal your soul

Whether you’re staying at an oceanfront resort or a yoga retreat atop a mountain, our Wellness excursions provide peace of mind and heal the soul. They’re also an opportunity to nurture your body, heal holistically, and take a much-needed respite from life’s rollercoaster.
Heal your soul

Heal your soul

Whether you’re staying at an oceanfront resort or a yoga retreat atop a mountain, our Wellness excursions provide peace of mind and heal the soul. They’re also an opportunity to nurture your body, heal holistically, and take a much-needed respite from life’s rollercoaster.


A wellness retreat is a program designed to help individuals improve their physical, mental, and emotional well-being through various activities such as yoga, meditation, healthy eating, and spa treatments.

The benefits of attending our wellness retreat include reducing stress, improving sleep, increasing energy levels, enhancing mental clarity, and promoting overall physical health.

Activities that are typically included in a wellness retreat are yoga, meditation, hiking, nutrition workshops, spa treatments, and mindfulness exercises.

No, you do not need to have prior experience with yoga or meditation to attend a wellness retreat. The programs are designed to cater to all levels of experience.

Wellness retreats can be expensive, but the cost varies depending on the location, duration, and the activities included in the program. There are affordable options available as well.

When choosing a wellness retreat, consider the location, the duration of the program, the activities included, the price, and the reviews of past attendees. It is also important to consider your personal goals and preferences.

Wellness retreats are generally suitable for most people, but it is important to check with your doctor if you have any pre-existing medical conditions. Some retreats may not be suitable for pregnant women or individuals with certain health conditions.

All accommodations in your travel will be listed on the hotel list of your program with prices. You can check it out and reply to us.

To prepare for a wellness retreat, it is important to familiarize yourself with the activities included in the program and make sure you have the necessary clothing and equipment. It is also a good idea to practice mindfulness and self-care leading up to the retreat.

The duration of a wellness retreat varies depending on the program and your time.

During a wellness retreat, you can expect to participate in various activities such as yoga, meditation, hiking, and mindfulness exercises. You will also have the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, enjoy healthy meals, and relax and rejuvenate through spa treatments and other wellness therapies.

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